Providing Computer Help and Support to business in and around Hastings, St Leonards, Battle and Bexhill, East Sussex. Also has a few snippets of random things.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Slow computer

A new client presented me with an old computer (running Windows 2000 pro) that was running incredibly slowly for the spec (1.4G processor, 80Gbyte hard drive and 1.5Gig of ram). Lets put it this way, instead of making a cup of tea whilst waiting for it to boot (I drink coffee by the way), you could have gone out for a full dinner at your local eatery!

Loading up defrag, the analysis screen showed almost all red. After setting a defrag going and popping back the next day to check, the system was re-booted and performed almost like a new machine.

For good measure, I also ran a spyware and virus scan that fortunately turned up clean and left the client with a PC that was running as good as new.

After chatting with the client, it transpired he had never run a defrag, so a quick ad-hoc training session was organised.

Random Failures

A client of mine who runs a financial services company was experiencing random failures across his network.

In a very short space of time, he had fried two flat screen monitors and 3 power supplies. In spite of his insistence that the power into his offices were ok, the only thing that could explain the damage was power surges.

A quick trip down the local electrical shop and clearing out their stock of surge protected extension leads provided a reliable fix for the client, not to mention low cost.

Computers are sensitive devices and even a slight surge can cause inexplicable damage.