Providing Computer Help and Support to business in and around Hastings, St Leonards, Battle and Bexhill, East Sussex. Also has a few snippets of random things.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

My daughter will be happy

Her Nintendo DS went wrong, when switching on, the displays flashed, then the system powered down. After getting extremely poor service from Nintendo (no response), I researched this on the web and found that it is a common fault. The ribbon connectors to the displays work loose causing the console to shut down.

After ordering the required screwdrivers from ebay, I was ready to follow the dis-assembly instructions at and re-seated the ribbon cables after giving them a clean with a dry cotton ear bud.

Putting it back together it now works!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's good in future if you have any problem about your computer you can take services of computer support 24x7.